« The National Health Committee adopted a draft bill for a new special law by 14 votes to 9. »*
Switzerland could legalize the use of cannabis for non-medical purposes for adults. The National Health Committee has adopted a preliminary draft for a new special law by 14 votes to 9, report RTS.*
Currently, the cultivation, manufacture, trade and use of cannabis for non-medical purposes are prohibited. Consumption is punishable by a fine.*
Since 2023, people who already use cannabis can acquire it in a controlled manner as part of time-limited pilot trials. However, the vast majority of consumers obtain their supplies from the illegal market.*
Special law*
An unsatisfactory situation, the commission said in a press release on Friday. The prohibitive approach is wrong. According to a majority, strictly regulated access to cannabis and a controlled market would better protect public health, strengthen youth protection and improve security. The population would be better protected against the harmful effects of cannabis, and young people would be dissuaded from consuming it.*
The commission proposes to regulate cannabis consumption in a new special law. Cannabis must continue to be considered a narcotic, because its consumption is harmful to health.*
Without encouraging consumption, the law must regulate the cultivation, manufacture and trade of cannabis. Cannabis products must be subject to an incentive tax in order to limit consumption and direct it towards less risky forms. This tax depends on the THC content and the type of consumption.*
No sales to minors*
The new law provides that the distribution and sale of cannabis to minors is prohibited. Adults residing in Switzerland are authorized to grow a maximum of three plants for self-supply purposes. They can buy, possess and consume cannabis. The rules for protection against passive smoking apply.*
Commercial production for profit is permitted, but strict conditions must be met. Advertising for cannabis products is prohibited, including for seeds or accessories. Packaging must be neutral.*
The points of sale, limited, must hold a concession. The sale must not pursue a profit motive. Any profits must be allocated to prevention, harm reduction and help in the event of addiction.* The entire supply chain must be monitored by an electronic tracking system. Persons who supply on the illegal market will be exposed to harsher sanctions than today.*
Wrong signal, says minority*
A minority of the committee is opposed to the proposed amendment on principle. In their opinion, lifting the ban on cannabis for non-medical purposes would send a very bad signal.*
If cannabis were regulated, the population, and especially young people, would think that it was an ordinary good, they believe. This would encourage consumption and make effective protection of young people impossible.*
A consultation should be opened after the summer.*
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